- Carrying welding work in wet conditions;
- No slope and shoring of soil maintained in excavation.
- Fall of person in the excavation;
- Collapse of excavation hazard;
- Incompetency of the welder is hazard;
- Defective welding machine hazard;
- Wet conditions hazard;
- Electric ⚡ is hazard.
- Chances damage of cable which may lead to electrocution in the result of fatality;
- Slip and trip may lead to fall on same floor resulting cuts and abrasions on skin and personal injury;
- Back pain may result of improper posture of the body during working in excavation.
- Job specific PPE’s shall be mandatory;
- Provide and ensure that there no ergonomic hazard in the workplace
- Specific signage shall be displayed;
- Fire extinguisher shall be provide;
- Ensure that the welder is competent;
- Ensure that welding machine is being inspected on regular basis;
- Check that no wet / water in the hot work premises;
- Check and ensure that area is safe for work;
- Ensure that excavation is hard barricaded.